Signposting Information
The Body Coach - Joe Wicks workouts for all the family
Cosmic Kids Yoga
PE at home - supporting Parents to Teach PE at Home
PE Passport - home learning access
Young Minds: Tips, advice and where to get support for your child’s mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Pupils may be experiencing a variety of emotions in response to the coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak, such as anxiety, stress or low mood. Public Health England’s Every Mind Matters campaign includes resources which aim to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing.
NHS 111 Online
Get medical help near you. Answers questions about your main symptoms. Find out when and where to get help. Be contacted by a nurse, if needed.
You First Domestic Abuse Service
You First is the county integrated domestic violence and abuse service providing free and discreet support, advice and refuge to victims and survivors of domestic abuse and violence.
0800 032 5204
Safeguarding and Child Protection
If you have any safeguarding concerns about either your child or another child please talk to our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Rippon or our Deputy Safeguarding Leads Mr Curran and Ms Lithgow. Alternatively you can contact: BCP MASH 01202 735046 or
Food banks, food larders and local support
Family Support:
The New Forest Family Support Service -
Hampshire Youth Counselling Service referral link
Family Lives Help & Advice
Christchurch Family Partnership Zone
Brings people together to help and support children, young people and their families with any aspect of family life, telephone 01202 225724.
Website: BCP website
Think You Know
Great advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet.
News and articles surrounding internet safety.
Net Aware - keeping kids safe online
Free and confidential helpline for children & young adults in the UK
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. As a digital service, Shout 85258 has become increasingly critical since Covid-19, being one of the few mental health support services able to operate as normal at this time.
Chathealth 5-19: text service : 07507332417
School nurse text service called ChatHealth 5-19 which is a text message advice line for parents of school-aged children. A text messaging service is an easy way for parents and carers to ask for help and information with a range of issues such as hearing, sleep, behaviour and transition to school. The service is available for parents and carers with children in Hampshire schools, educational settings and the elective home educated. Once received, the school nursing service will respond within one working day. ChatHealth 5-19 is available Monday to Thursday from 9 am-4.30 pm and 9 am–4 pm on Fridays (excluding bank holidays).
Action for Children
Action for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
Department for Education
Articles and advice for children and young people.
ELSA Support
Coronavirus support provides free resources for teaching staff and parents to help children cope with the current viral outbreak.
Public Health England have also produced guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people's mental health and wellbeing.
Pupil Premium
To find out more about qualifying for pupil premium please click here to go to the BCP website. You can download the Free School Meals Application form from our Policies and Forms page.
Free courses from Hampshire Libraries to support wellbeing: Hampshire Library service offer a huge range of free online courses to promote wellbeing, improve fitness and provide new skills including finding work. All courses are open to anyone aged 19+ that lives in Hampshire or a neighbouring county.
Our full course listing can be found here Online learning :: Hampshire libraries learning... (
Parenting Support Pack
Hampshire’s Primary Behaviour Service have put together some easily accessible advice to parents covering a range of topics and questions from sleep to positive parenting routines and beyond. These are really useful guides with hints and tips.
Advice support and local welfare assistance (
Citizens Advice Hampshire Home Page (
Hampshire Jobcentre & Jobs In Hampshire (
Public Health in Hampshire | Health and social care | Hampshire County Council (